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Ice Gold Compass

kr 239,00 kr

SKU: 1713469432349


Plastic: Gold-Ice. Weight: See variants. Disc color: See variants. Foil color: Assorted / Mixed.

Gold-Ice is a premium blend of plastics that provides a stiffness between Gold and Gold-X. It has great durability, and more overstable flights compared to regular Gold.

Navigate the fairways with the Compass. This straight flyer will go wherever you need it to go, and holds any line in a predictable way. Not shallow, not deep, this disc will fit in any hand. Hyzer, straight, anhyzer; the Compass is a disc you can trust on every angle.

Speed: 5, Glide: 5, Turn: 0, Fade: 1.



Blå, Hvit, Rød


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